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Activity Reports

The 1st Face –to-Face Meeting of the Internal Medicine TAG, WHO
Tokyo, Japan
April 7-9, 2009

Prior to the Meeting Dr. Tevfik Bedirhan Üstün, Coordinator, Classification, Terminology and Standards, HSI of World Health Organization paid a courtesy visit to Dr. S.YAMAMOTO and Dr. T.OI
on April 6.

Dr. Üstün expressed his gratitude to JHIM and JHA for their large contribution and support of the activities of WHO for revision and implementation of the ICD.

Commemorative photo

After the courtesy visit staff members of the JHA and JHIM were introduced to Dr. Üstün.

Skull Session on April 7
During the Skull Session Dr. Toshio OI, Dr. Osahiro TAKAHASHI

During the Skull Session

The 1st Face–to-Face Meeting of the Internal Medicine TAG, WHO

Presentation by the WHO Coordinator Dr. Tevfik Bedirhan Üstün

Commemorative photo

WHO-FIC Revision Steering Group Meeting
Geneva, Switzerland
April 20-22, 2009

Commemorative photo

During the Session

Dr. Tsuneo SAKAI, Vice-President, Mr. Kazushi YAMAGUCHI, Special Adviser, and
Ms. Yukiko YOKOBORI, Head of Distant Training Division, participated in the meeting as observers.

WHO-FIC Education Committee Meeting
WHO-FIC – IFHRO Joint Collaboration
Raleigh, North Carolina
April 1-2, 2009

During the Session Discussion time

Commemorative photo

Ms. Yukiko YOKOBORI, Head of Distant Training Division of Japan Hospital Association, presented information on the study of the current status of health information management education in 17 countries.

Japan Society of Health Information Management
9-15 Hospital Plaza Building, Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8414, Japan <<Access Map>>
Phone: +81-3-5215-1044 Fax: +81-3-5215-1045 e-mail:info@jhim.jp