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Activity Reports

Participation in the WHO-FIC Network Annual Meeting 2013 New

WHO-FIC Network Meeting
Cape Town, South Africa [October 28- November 6, 2011]

WHO-FIC Family Development Committee-Mid year meeting 2011,
Think Before You Measure Symposium,
And Towards ICD-11 for Australia.
Sydney, Australia [June 27- July 1, 2011]

IFHIMA Executive Board Meeting
Malaga, Spain [June 2- June 3, 2011]

WHO-FIC Asia Pacific Network Meeting 2010
Tokyo, Japan [December 4-6, 2010]

Congress of International Federation of Health Records Organization
Milan, Italy [November 15-19, 2010]

WHO-FIC Network Meeting
Toronto, Canada [October 16-22, 2010]

iCamp2 & Revision Steering Group (RSG) Meetings
Geneva, Switzerland [September 27- October 1, 2010]

WHO-FIC Education Committee Meeting WHO-FIC – IFHRO Joint Collaboration
Cologne, Germany [February 22-24, 2010]

WHO-FIC Annual Meeting
Seoul, Korea [October 10-16, 2009]

World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
Revision iCamp Meeting
Geneva, Switzerland [September 21- October 4, 2009]

WHO-FIC Revision Steering Group Meeting
Geneva, Switzerland [April 20-22, 2009]

The 1st Face –to-Face Meeting of the Internal Medicine TAG, WHO
Tokyo, Japan [April 7-9, 2009]

WHO-FIC Education Committee Meeting
WHO-FIC – IFHRO Joint Collaboration
Raleigh, North Carolina [April 1-2, 2009]

Change of our organization’s name April 2009

Message from Dr. Tevfik Bedirhan Üstün Coordinator Classification, Terminology and Standards Health Statistics and Informatics World Health Organization

Japan Society of Health Information Management
9-15 Hospital Plaza Building, Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8414, Japan <<Access Map>>
Phone: +81-3-5215-1044 Fax: +81-3-5215-1045 e-mail:info@jhim.jp