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Activity Reports

WHO-FIC Network Meeting
Cape Town, South Africa
October 28- November 6, 2011

WHO-FIC Network meeting was held in Cape Town, South Africa from October 29th until November 4th. This year’s theme was “Health Information is Vital”. During 7-days meeting, participants from all over the world actively engaged in the discussion on the topic such as vital registration and health information system.
Another main focus of the plenary session was the revision to ICD-11. Dr. Bedirhan Ustun of WHO and other key persons of the revision work reported about its current progress to the audience.

During WHO-FIC FDC meeting
In front of posters by JHIM and JHA
One of the most notable events of this year’s meeting was the bestowal ceremony of the WHO flag to the Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in Japan which is newly designated. Representing the centre, Dr. Takimura, the director of Japan ICD office, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan, gave a speech in the ceremony. JHIM is one of the components of collaborating center and Dr. Oi, representing JHIM, also took a part in this ceremony.

Dr. Takimura gave a speech at the bestowal ceremony of the WHO flag.
Newly designated Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in Japan was bestowed with the WHO flag. Dr. Ustun at the center, and JHIM and JHA delegates standing to the right of Dr. Ustun (Dr. Oi, Dr. Matsumoto, Ms. Yokobori, and Mr. Chisuwa at the far right.)

Japan Society of Health Information Management
9-15 Hospital Plaza Building, Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8414, Japan <<Access Map>>
Phone: +81-3-5215-1044 Fax: +81-3-5215-1045 e-mail:info@jhim.jp