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Outline of the society

JHIM has built a system open to participation by health information managers as well physicians, nurses, and a wide range of other healthcare professionals.

1975  Establishment of Japan Society of Medical Record Management
1981  Registered as a research organization of the Science Council of Japan
1989  Publication of the JHIM journal Shinryoroku Kanri
    (Medical Record Management)
2003  Launch of the lifelong education seminars
2005  Launch of the HIM Supervisor certification program
     Announcement of JHIM Personal Information Protection Policy
     Announcement of JHIM Code of Ethics 2005
     Announcement of The Oath of Health Information Managers
2007  Announcement of the Guidelines for Medical Record Documentation
2008  Publication of Statistics Made Easy for Health Information Managers
2009  Organization name changed from Japan Society of Medical Record
     Management to Japan Society of Health Information Management
     Adoption of the official JHIM logo
     The title of the JHIM journal changed from Shinryoroku Kanri to
     Shinryojoho Kanri (Health Information Management)
2010  Publication of the technical book Shinryo Johogaku
     (Health Information Science)
2011  Announcement of the Guidelines on the Work of Health Information
     Managers (2011 version)
2012  JHIM secretariat moved to Hospital Plaza Building in
     Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
2013  Japan selected to host the 18th IFHIMA Congress in 2016
2014  Launch of the JHIM organization accreditation system
     Announcement of the Guidelines for Conflict of Interest (COI) Management
2015  Publication of the second edition of Shinryo Johogaku
     (Health Information Science)

Chairman: Hiroyuki Suenaga

Principal Activities
▪ Research on management of medical records and health information
▪ Organization of meetings of directors, general assemblies, scientific conferences,
 seminars, and symposia
▪ Publication of journals and other publications edited by JHIM
▪ Lifelong education of health information managers
▪ Certification of HIM Supervisors
▪ Other projects necessary for achievement of the Society’s goals

Membership: 5,397 (as of 2016)

Distance Training Division, Japan Hospital Association

Japan Society of Health Information Management
9-15 Hospital Plaza Building, Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8414, Japan <<Access Map>>
Phone: +81-3-5215-1044 Fax: +81-3-5215-1045 e-mail:info@jhim.jp