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The Oath of Health Information Managers

1. We comply with laws and regulations on health information management and conduct our duties faithfully.

2. We respect individuals’ rights and sucurely mamage all health information without discrimination.

3. We ensure protection of privacy and never disclose confidential information obtained in our professional capacity.

4. We do not use health information for purpuses other than the sole purpose for which it is intended, never concealing facts nor altering health information in deviation from the fact.

5. We aim to use health information scientifically and in ways that it truly contributes to the medical care of patients.

6. We enhance our professional competence through continuing education and training, and make an effort in cooperate and coordinate with people in other professions.

7. We fulfill our duties conscious of our responsibility as health information mamagers and take pride in our profession.

Japan Society of Health Information Management
9-15 Hospital Plaza Building, Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8414, Japan <<Access Map>>
Phone: +81-3-5215-1044 Fax: +81-3-5215-1045 e-mail:info@jhim.jp